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- «c1»By Krabob/Mankind«»
- «»
- «as»«c6»A code article about opening a demo screen that works EVERYWHERE
- with intuition and cgx.«»
- «»
- «c7»I'd like to talk to you about a problem that will certainly
- creates debates, as this subject is sensitive:
- it's about «c6»compatibility of demos, «c7»and most of all on their «c6»starting code.
- «c7»Before Going further, I would like to thank «c6»DISC «c7»for letting me talk about this
- in their mag, and also, I ask you to forgive me for my strange english.«»
- «»
- Looking at the demos of the last 3 years, I noticed the totality of the
- effects was coded for «c6»chunky screen «c7»in a 320 pixel width resolution.
- and almost all was using copper hacking, «c6»ChunkyToPlanar, «c7»and system
- disabling. Each of these three technique was known for years,
- and was found and taught by old coders with an a500 coding culture.
- It was not so bad,as it worked, and an effort was made to be 68060
- and a4000 compatible too.«»
- «»
- But notice this: when on A500, system disabling and copper hacking
- was a necessity, on a1200 or a4000 with at least 68030 it is not:
- «c6»Sytem disabling «c7»doesn't give more speed (or just a little!),
- and copper hacking is useless, since "de facto" all demos are
- coded in Chunky mode!«»
- «»
- On another hand, more and more people got a «c6»graphic card, «c7»despite
- the death of phase5 and the lameness of DCE.(Obviously, I do :).
- And to my mind, there must be a lot of demo coders that wonder
- how to code an AGA and CGX compatible demo, but just don't know
- how to do it.And how to code «c6»cgx compatible «c7»when you just got AGA?
- (for the losts: CGX=cybergraphics,the graphic card driver)«»
- «»
- A lot of solution are available, but some are more interesting for
- sceners, to my mind:«»
- «»
- «c6»- using rtgmaster.library and the rtg package.
- «c7»nice, as you can provide your c2p for aga or use CGX.
- but this is something more to install, and that lib
- doesn't do much at last.As a demo coder, you certainly
- want to supervise what happen when the screen is drawn!«»
- «»
- «c6»- using picasso.library and the picasso stuffs.
- «c7»again more nice ! the only problem is that
- this drivers are not available for all cards!
- most of all, cgx is emuled by picasso,so...«»
- «c6»- using intuition, cybergraphics.library and
- graphics.library/WritePixelArray8 «c7»to draw the screen.
- Boarggh... Both WritePixelArray8 and WriteChunkyPixel are
- lame to draw a whole screen like we do with a C2P.
- these functions are to my mind, only to be used with windows,
- (patched or not.) PPC user should never use this particularly.«»
- «»
- «c6»- using intuition, cybergraphics.library,Kalm's C2P or a copy pass.
- «c7»It's the better thing possible to my mind:
- if we have AGA, we have an intuition screen with the best C2P
- possible, so: aga is fast.
- if we have CGX, we get a pointer on the card's "chip memory"
- and we only do Our copy pass (or direct rendering).
- note that «c6»fast double buffering is always possible with the both,
- «c7»by using intuition functions.«»
- «»
- Why not letting the system open, by the way: «c6»Amiga Multitasking «c7»is
- something powerful, you know ?«»
- «»
- The problem with that cgx technics is that most amiga coders still
- have «c6»no graphic cards, «c7»and can't test their codes for cgx.«»
- «»
- If anyone is interrested, (and if noone is interested, it's the same:-)
- I will code (when I'll found the time) a Both AGA and CGX compatible
- version of the example you can found on the beloved site «c6»"Amycoders"
- (http://come.to/amiga/ nowadays)
- «c7»this source is called «c6»"startup source for chunky display" «c7»and was
- coded by Merko.
- It's already a great part of code: It opens an
- intuition screen under AGA, and let the use of our dear M.kalm's C2P,
- with intuition triple buffer, all that written cent per cent Asm 68K!«»
- «»
- To work with CGX, just some more lines are needed.
- with that kind of "certified" screen opening routine, every coder,
- even those with no graphic cards, will be able to make clean and powerful
- compatible demos.«»
- «»
- To illustrate my thought, Here is some example from different generations of
- starting code: «»
- «»
- «al» an «c6»A500 «c7»trackdisk demos:«»
- - Shut and forget all that fucking lame slow amigaOS1.3.«»
- - Open a ECS screen by hacking the copper list in order to code "Fakes"!«»
- - Run the demo with a ugly 68000 only compatible code.«»
- - Draw the screen with blitter/copper and whatever.«»
- - Refresh the screen with copper hacks also.«»
- - crash if it had to quit.«»
- «»
- an «c6»A1200 «c7»demo nowaday (with 030-060):«»
- - Shut all that fast,beautiful and powerful amigaOS3.x.(?)«»
- - Open an AGA screen by hacking the copper,to code... Chunky effects(?)«»
- - Run the demo with a good compatible 680X0 code.«»
- - Draw the screen with a ChunkyToPlanar routine.«»
- - Refresh the double buffered screen with copper hacks.«»
- - Return to the system, like if nothing had happened.«»
- «»
- «as»And now, see what could be done nowaday (and the way to do it):
- I noticed the cybergraphics functions to use, and when, because
- it's the most important thing to know. See cybergraphics.doc
- to find the parameters !
- Note that you could use an ASL requester to ask a screen ModeID.
- in that case,use cybergraphics.library/IsCyberModeID to find
- if it is CGX.
- Note again that cybergraphics.library functions are only used
- to find a screen ID, and after the screen opening, to find the Chunky
- screen pointer.«»
- «al»
- «c6»- Check for cybergraphics.library«»
- «»
- «c7»- if this one is present it will run CGX:«»
- - Ask cgx the best screen type ID with:«»
- cybergraphics.library/BestCModeIDTagList«»
- «»
- - (else) no cgx libs were found it will run AGA:«»
- - Ask intuition a screen ID (or get a pal or dblpal ID ).«»
- «»
- - Open an intuition screen with that screen type using:«»
- intuition.library/OpenScreen«»
- «»
- - if we are CGX,get the screen width modulo, pixel format and chunky pointer.«»
- (it is needed for refresh)«»
- cybergraphics.library/LockBitMapTagList«»
- cybergraphics.library/UnLockBitMap«»
- «»
- - Run the effects with a good compatible 680X0 code (as always).«»
- - Make the screen refresh:«»
- - if the screen is AGA:«»
- - Draw the screen with a ChunkyToPlanar routine.«»
- «»
- - else the screen is CGX:«»
- - Draw the Chunky screen directly on Chunky memory«»
- or with a cpuBlitting pass.«»
- «»
- - Refresh the dblbuffer screen with the nice graphics functions «»
- done for that:«»
- graphics.library/ChangeVPBitMap (it need to alloc other things)«»
- «»
- - Return to the system, (you could continue to use during the demo).«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»Anyway, The cybergraphics.library documentation is very clear, and
- can be found on aminet. Notice that «c6»LockbitmapTaglist «c7»is safe to be used
- to get the screen chunky pointer,if it is done at each frame!
- some people only do that at start: it seems to work the same way.«»
- «»
- I could write about Picasso, but Picasso emulates
- cgx very well, and the schemes is the same.«»
- «»
- In conclusion,here is a little «c6»list of demo aga&cgx compatible
- demos «c7»I found (I continue to search, don't hesitate to contact me!):
- PPC demo are noticed. This list is NOT exhaustive.«»
- «»
- «c6»-Dreamscape Disorder by Logic Probe«»
- -BangCock by Embassy«»
- -Delta by Embassy«»
- -MysterTremor by Embassy«»
- -EuskalParty8 Invitation by Mankind«»
- -Bastardemon Intro by Mankind.«»
- -all Mankind PPC demos.«»
- -GenderBender by venusart (68K/PPC)«»
- «»
- «c7»- It appears that a non-spreaded version of "killer/cncd" is cgx.(scoop!)«»
- - I will myself adapt NewWorldChild and ScrapsOfbeing to work on CGX.«»
- «»
- «c6»Please notice that this article actually was written for D.I.S.C. #11, but
- due to some mistakes we forget to include it. Apologize to Krabob!«»
- «»
- «e»